
    Brief History

    Before the Mizoram attained Autonomous District council in 1952, the Mizoram formerly known as Lushai Hills was governed by Chiefs. The chiefs in their territory was all in all in administering justice to it’s subjects. The Criminal as well as civil nature of justice was carried on by the respective chiefs. The chief has the full authority for deciding the up to the dead sentence upon its subjects. In 1952 the Mizoram (then Lushai Hills) attained Autonomus District council in 1952. For the administration within Lushai Hills the then Lushai Hills Autonomous District (Administration of Justice) Rules, 1953 was chalked out under sub-paragraph(4) of paragraph 4 of the sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India on 7th April 1953 Vide no. DLC.14/53. The following courts were created as a result:

    1. Village courts in every recognized village in Mizoram.
    2. Subordinate District Council courts at Aizawl and Lunglei and additional Subordinate courts.
    3. District council court at Aizawl.

    In Lunglei Subordinate Court and Additional Subordinate court was created. One additional Subordinate court was created at Tlabung (Demagiri). These courts deliver justice in Lunglei District. In 1953 Pawi-Lakher Autonomous District was created and the courts created under it deliver justice system in the region. In 1989 Addition District Magistrate (Judicial) in short ADM(J) post was filled up by Judicial Officer discharging exclusively judicial function for the first time in Lunglei. Till 2008, One Judicial Officer in the Subordinate District Council court and one Additional Subordinate court at Lunglei looks after the justice delivery system in Lunglei District. In the year 2008, the judicial system was separated from the Executive and from hence, Lunglei Judicial District comprises of Lunglei District, Saiha District and Lawngtlai District. In short for the above stated three District one Judicial District was created known as Lunglei Judicial District.